
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Beach Therapy!

Today was a gorgeous west coast day so my muse and I (both being solar powered) went to the beach. Just a short, five minute car ride away, these are photos I took this afternoon of one of my favourite beaches in Victoria.

A couple of years ago, I had the honour of being the delegate from Vancouver Island and representing the Victoria Storytellers Guild at the Storytellers of Canada conference in Calgary, Alberta.

That year, I made a quilt square that was included in the Storytelling quilt which was raffled off at the conference. Each quilt square was accompanied by a small "story" about the piece and the artist. The quilt and stories were on display during the conference and the lucky winner , a Newfoundland storyteller, got to take this "one of kind" quilt with accompanying stories home to enjoy for years to come.

As I was getting ready to write this post today, I re-read the small "story" I wrote at the time. I re-worked it some to add to this posting today. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo of the quilt square at the time, but did save the story!

"Stories and Art are Beacons of Light in the World"

The guiding light of the Fisgard Lighthouse at the mouth of Esquimalt Harbour (near Victoria) first shone in 1860. It was the first permanent lighthouse on Canada’s West Coast.

With the lighthouse on the left, the sweeping vista of the Olympic Mountains off in the distance, the swirling waters of Juan de Fuca Strait and a log strewn beach, it is a magical place of beauty on earth. This is where you will find me on any given day of the year, sitting or laying in a log “fort”, sheltered from the ocean wind, wiggling my toes in the warm sand or wrapped snuggly in a colourful quilt.

My only companions are the waves lapping quietly against the rocky shore, the distant greeting cry of seagulls, herons, or eagles flying above and the bobbing heads of harbour seals coming up to say hello as they swim lazily back and forth in the water near the shore. My companions know that this is my special spirit place... my place for meditation, inspiration and creation. They welcome me to this place where I come to read, think, dream, create and every now and again, enjoy a small, but delicious afternoon snooze!

Being in this place, immersed in its quiet splendour and simple beauty has taught me that stories and art are like lighthouses.

Navigating our lives by the light of a good story, the sounds of a beautiful piece of music or the creation of a meaningful piece of art can lead us to a safe harbour when the sea of life gets stormy. Help us journey back to who we are when the way ahead seems misty or foggy. Stand graceful and tall when the sun sparkles on life’s gentle waves. Look beyond the horizon and be awed by the beauty and colours of simplicity. Inspired to dream, create and love by its guiding light.

What inspires you? Where do you go for renewal? If you could do one thing this coming weekend that would bring you joy, what would it be? Will you do it?

Have a great weekend... see you next week!