
Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Letter Words Blog Contest Winners...

With the long weekend ahead of us, and getting ready to saddle up and "git out o' town", today's post is going to be short but scrumptiously sweet.

Yesterday evening, my best "kitchen table bridge" buddies and I got together for dinner. When I showed up with my "Therapy in a Jar" (a jar that I keep all my art ideas in... art is the best therapy for whatever ails ya ) it really got them curious!

Now what they didn't know beforehand was that they were about to perform an important mission - pick the names of the winners in last week's "mini blog contest" for my list of forty PLUS positive four letter words AND the alphabet file to create their own set of "inchie"alphabet blocks.

Unfortunately, one of our buds was called away "out of town" on a family emergency at the last minute and couldn't make it! So what's a gal to do when she is short one impartial prize picker? Well she just recruits her friend's husband who is staying discreetly out of sight and earshot of "female" chat in the den! He readily agreed to do the honours.

"You can call me Diane," said he with a twinkle in his eye, a sly grin on his face and a cute little wiggle in his walk as he snuggled into place between the gals!

After we all had a great laugh, I took this photo of them enthusiastically waving the names of the winners and congratulating them. (l. to r.) my friend Gail, Diane (aka Pete, Yvonne's husband) and my friend Yvonne. Everyone should be as lucky as I am to have fun friends like these ladies to hang out with!

And the lucky winners are... CRASHING CYMBALS AND DRUM ROLL, PLEASE!

1. Deana

2. Troll

3. Nicki

Congratulations ladies! Please send me an email before next Tuesday with your email address so that I can get your zip file off to you.

Congratulations are also in order to four lovely ladies. Cynthia Powell, Sherre Hulbert, Elizabeth Dawson and Lesley Venable, the "art mamas" on The Artist's Circle and the Latest Trends in Mixed Media Art. These four, very talented ladies have just published "Exploring the Latest Trends in Mixed Media Arts - Projects & Techniques Volume I" .

This book, filled with lots of fun and innovative projects, is guaranteed to make any mixed media artist's heart just quiver with excitement! Having "hung out" with these ladies over the past year, if their book is anything close to what they have shared with me and other members of the Artist's Circle and The Latest Trends in Mixed Media Art groups, it is guaranteed to be a real keeper. It is so HOT off the press that I don't even have my copy yet (but I am waiting patiently... well sort of) Interested in a copy? You can order it here. Here's a copy of the cover.

And last, but not the least (don't ya just love cliches LOL), make a note to yourself to stop by on Tuesday (once the kidlettes are safely back in school if they are the 'late school returners' in your area) and check out the Recycling Brainstorming Game and the chance to win a mini shopping spree. I shall say no more!! My lips are sealed.

Have a fun filled long weekend. Drive safely if you are on the road. See you Tuesday!
