
Friday, May 28, 2010

Time to Celebrate...

Hi ya'll... glad to be back.  While I have been off recuperating from eye surgery, I have passed a couple of milestones... another birthday (no, don't ask! chuckle), another wedding anniversary, a number of fellow artists and visitors who have made my blog one of their favourites and passing the 35,000 visitors to my blog!  WOW!!  I am just thrilled to bits...and now that my new bionic eyes and I have made up and decided to be friends (it was not entirely smooth sailing), it's time to catch up...

One thing I will say about eye surgery... you don't know what "white" is until you can actually see "white" again.  Phooey, it is brighter than you may think it is.  But I gotta tell you, if the opthamologist had told me that once I had my new "outlook" on life I would see every wrinkle, no matter how tiny, in pure, living technicolour, magnified to the "nines", I might have told her to leave me in "hazy, can't see a darn thing" mode!  Phooey, my illusions are all gone... I have discovered wrinkles I didn't know I had... SIGH!

Reading is still somewhat of a challenge... my old prescription no longer works and I have been making do with a pair of glasses from two prescriptions ago.  They tend to give me migraines (UGH!) so I am not spending much time reading, writing, doing close up work. Ah... just a couple of weeks now and I'll have a new pair... then watch out, I'll be in a frenzy catching up on all the stuff I have felt I have missed (LOTS).

Fortunately, I've had the time to get some finishing touches done on a few projects that needed "something" to finish them off and complete some polymer clay projects.  I haven't quite been twiddling my thumbs, sitting around eating chocolate (although with Mother's Day and my birthday falling on the same day and another wedding anniversary in between, my chocolate stash has done well but alas is disappearing quickly).  Amazing how much time you recover when you can't do housework (ah, such a sacrifice GRIN), gardening or going swimming most days.

My REALLY BIG news in the past month has been that three of my polymer clay steampunk creations have passed the first adjudication for a "steampunk" book that is scheduled to be published next year.  More photos have been submitted of all three projects for the final adjudication and I should know the results soon!  Am keeping my fingers crossed.  I'd love to show you a photo... but alas, not allowed.

Hopefully within the next month, I'll have the blog mp3 player working again (I have to figure out what is causing it to misbehave) and will get back to recording some stories for you... in the meantime... if you have read this far then...

to celebrate all the milestones in the past month and a half! 

All you need to do is leave a comment on today's post... make sure I can get in touch with you...and I will announce the winner on June 11th!  I won't tell you what it is (because I haven't quite made up my mind yet... sigh) but I will tell you that it will be something to treasure.  Does that peak your curiosity?  I sure hope so.

BTW... Do you like "jocks in frocks with knives in their socks" and pipe and drum music? Translated: cute guys in kilts, with Scottish kilt knives (Sgian Dubh... pronounced "scan" "do") stuck in their socks,  beating on their drums and puffing on bagpipes.  If so, see my hubby and his band buddies in their GOLD medal performance at the 147th Highland Games here in Victoria last weekend.  Click on the links at the bottom of this post.

Short and sweet... but glad to be back.  I've really missed chatting with you all...

Have a great weekend...


Links to UTube Videos

My hubby's band buddies competing at the 147th Victoria Highland Games (yep, it's been going that long) last weekend.  Here are the links to a couple of UTube videos:

443 Marine Helicopter Squadron (Canadian Air Force) -  hubby's band - two videos..the GOLD medal performance and the march off -   My hubby is the guy showing off (tee hee) by twirling sticks (he's a tenor drummer)

Mass Band ... hubby's band is pretty much front and center in this video. What a stirring moment it is when one sees all the pipes and drums coming into view as they come over the rise in Topaz Park... it gives me goosebumps every time I hear and see them do this!  Unfortunately you can only see them going down the hill at the end of the video.  It's one of those times when you just gotta be there to appreciate it!