
Friday, June 11, 2010

Giveaway winners & more art...

Oh my gosh what fun I had reading all the comments for the names of the "party line" ladies!  Thanks to Cindy Powell for sparking my imaginations with the idea of what to call them.  I am definitely going to make more of them (I gotta do something with that cane... it's nearly a foot long!).  Look for more ladies in the future (maybe even a story huh???)

I decided that I would add the ladies to the giveaways (they are pins but you could make them into pendants) as a bonus for all of you who were so kind as to play along in the "naming" of these ladies. 

I chose the winning names by random number generator.  Drum roll, please...

The winner of the raku rattle bead pendant is JANENE!
 Janene is someone who wakes up in the morning thinking about art (oh boy can I relate) and her altered books attest to that fact.  You just have to go and see them... they are wonderful!  You can see them here.

The winner of the "Button Lady" is SUSAN KUNZE. 
Susan makes the most amazing jewelry from wire.  Drop by her blog for a peek at some of her necklaces!

The winner of the "Girlfriends" is DEBBIE HOUSE
Debbie is a very talented artist, a kind hearted and thoughtful soul  and  one of the Group Mamas for the Yahoo group, Inchies - 1x1.  We aren't related but Debbie is the one who really turned me on to inchies.  She makes the most delightful mini wonders of art!

Congratulations ladies!  And a BIG thank you to all of you who took up the challenge and played by leaving comments.  What great names you all came up with... I'll be sure to use them to name more "party line" ladies!

Winners... please send me an email with your snail mail addresses so I can get your winnings out to you at the beginning of next week.


Have you ever bit off more than you can chew?  I sure did this week... I forgot that I had to sleep, run errands, make meals and at the very least, clean the bathrooms!  Needless to say I didn't get as much art done as I had originally planned.  But oh my, I am feeling so much better... the art ache has gone away and I am filled up with "happy juice" again. 

Here's a photo of the raku bead that I made last weekend at the clay playdate with three of my claying buddies... Janet, Wanda and Barb.  It was such a fun day and I love getting together with others to play.

Here's a photo of an image transfer pin I made out of clay to wear with a green print outfit I have that has a jacket with a mandarin neckline.  It turned out even better than I had imagined it would.

I was pleased as punch when I saw the results for the pendant and earring set below.  This was the first time I had tried painting on black clay with metallic paints, adding gold leaf to the clay slab, stamping it and then rolling it out until the gold leaf crackled.  It's not quite finished... needs to be buffed.. but I am thrilled it turned out so well.  I think I am getting the hang of playing with clay...

So thanks everyone for stopping by, playing along with me and leaving such delightful comments!

A very full weekend is coming up... it's the Canadian Navy's 100th birthday.  There are so many fun things lined up to do this weekend at my favourite beach!    I went down yesterday for a sneak peek at all the ships in the harbour.  What a sight it is! Ships from all over the world who have come to celebrate with us.  The U.S. Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier has to be the largest ship I have ever seen.  The size of it absolutely boggles the mind!

Tonight we are going out with friends to do something fun and special.  Our friend Bob is a tugboat captain and along with his crew has invited a bunch of friends to go out into the harbour to watch the fireworks tonight.  It's not every day that one gets to go on one of the tugboats that work in our harbour!  Dress warmly, in layers and be prepared to have a great time are the orders for the evening LOL...

Tomorrow is a full day of celebration at my favourite beach that houses the Fisgard Lighthouse (built in 1860) and Fort Rodd Hill (which is at the entrance to Esquimalt Harbour).  Along with tons of activities, one of the highlights will be an airshow with my favourite pilots, The Canadian Snowbirds!  I just love watching them swoop through the sky...

Have a great weekend everyone.  See you next week.
