
Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Favourite Top Ten Background Paper Techniques

Before I get into my blog post today, I received some absolutely wonderful news this week I would like to share with you.

BOTH of my entries into the Sidney Fine Arts show were accepted! I was thrilled to bits. To have two pieces chosen out of over 1,200 pieces of art submitted by 512 artists for adjudication and to be among the 388 pieces of art chosen for the show nearly knocked me off my chair. LOL

It was quite funny when I received the letter.  We were on our way out to go pick up my large apple order at the farm where I usually buy them so stopped to pick up our mail.   Aha... an envelope from the Sidney Fine Arts show announcing the results of the adjudication was among the magazines and letters I picked up.  I hopped back into the car.  I felt the envelope.  It was "fat"... ahh... good sign!   I opened the letter, taking it out of the envelope folded in half.

When I looked down at it, I immediately saw "Tweet T" had been accepted for the October show.

"Whoopee" I yelped "Tweet T got in."

Hubby glanced over as I unfolded the letter.  I was so excited at getting the news that Tweet T had made it, I wasn't really looking or paying attention as I unfolded the acceptance letter.
"Look again sweetie!" he said. "They accepted the cow too!"


I guess I don't have to tell you how excited I was.  What a high!  Hubby and I  were bouncing around in our car seats CELEBRATING like... well... remember when you were a teenager and made out in a car...    Need I say more?  We had that car rocking and I am sure that any neighbour who happened to glance out their windows at the time were mighty curious as to what might be going on!  LOL

It certainly has been a fantastic year for me in my art submissions to some of the top Fine Arts shows here on Vancouver Island.  I am just thrilled that these fun, whimsical pieces that are just a joy for me to create are finding favour with the judges and the public.

The pieces I submitted were "How the Cow Comes Home", a whimsical steampunk cow and "Tweet T", a steampunk tea pot with a blackbird in the spout! I will post photos of them once the show begins in a couple of weeks.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that they are both purchased by folks who fall in love with them and want to give them a special spot of their own in their home! (Chuckle)

My Top Ten Background Techniques

Last month in my Art Techniques group, I was the hostess for the Monthly Art Technique (MAT). A number of  ladies in the group tried out my "Magic Paper" technique and made some absolutely stunning background papers. Here's a photo of the magic paper I made and used on a card and a card box to match.

Looking around for an idea for this week's blog post, I decided that I would share with you some of my favourite background paper techniques. It was difficult picking out just ten! I have a notebook with nearly 100 techniques that I have gathered over the years.

To keep this post shorter, I decided to put the techniques along with the "how to" instructions in a PDF file. Some of the techniques may be familiar to you, some may be new or a different "twist" to one you know and some you may have forgotten you even knew!  Here is the list of techniques with some photos to give you an idea of the finished product.

1. Magic Paper Technique

2. Coffee (Tea) Stained Paper and Tags
You can read about some of the paper effects you can achieve with this technique by looking at the different tags.

3. Framable Abstract Art with Perfect Pearls
I looked all over the place for my sample of this but I'll be darned if I can find it to photograph it.  Of course it will turn up once I have posted this article.  LOL.  If and when it does, I will post it here.  But I can tell you that this is a fun technique that produces some absolutely wonderful designs.

4. Dreamy Blended Oil Pastel background

5. Faux Leather Paper with Gold Accents

6. Sparkling Midnight Black Background
This technique is really difficult to photograph, so just imagine what it would look like... it shimmers and sparkles in the light!

7. Delicious Deli /Watercolor Paper Backgrounds
The paper around this little vase was made with watercolor paper, then slightly crumpled and hammered flat!

8. Peaks and Valleys Paper/Canvas

9. Embossed Patent leather paper
This technique does not photograph all that well by itself. Just imagine shiny, embossed paper and you'll get the idea.

10. Blender Pen Transfers

For the PDF download trade instructions for these 10 techniques, click here.

So get ready to stock up on some creative papers!  Get out your cardstock, paint, heat gun, hair dryer, watercolour sprays, grocery bags, paper creaser, texture plates to name just a few of the supples you have stashed and tucked away and have some fun making background papers. 

Hope you have fun with these techniques!

Wishing you an artsy fartsy time creating,
