
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two Days We Should Not Worry...

I'd like to say a warm thank you to all of you who have sent me "best wishes" for a speedy recovery from my foot operation.  I am not quite out of the woods yet... but I am getting there.  At least now I can sit for an hour with my foot down... that's a big improvement.  I still have a way to go... I certainly didn't think it was going to take me what seems like FOREVER to be able to get back to art but I am being as patient as I can be so I don't screw it all up by getting too ambitious!  So bear with me folks... my head is brimming with ideas (especially for the giveaway coming in April for blog followers) even though the body isn't quite up to making it happen yet! You know the old story... the heart is willing  but... LOL

But I have discovered one thing I can do while not being very mobile... do some recording.  With this in mind, I have recorded a new (2:36 minute) story for this month called "Two Days We Should Not Worry".  Intrigued?  I hope you enjoy it... Sharon

This story has been moved to the Audio Story Page.  Just click on the Audio Story "Tab" at the top of this page to access it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Pretty Necklace and an update...

Hi everyone...

Well, here I am, two weeks plus a couple of days in after my foot operation and although I am doing much better, it has become increasingly clear to me that this is going to take some time yet!!  Am I getting bored?  Oh YES!  I miss doing art. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do "art wise" when you spend most of the day lying on your back with your foot in the air and... daytime television just doesn't do it for me. LOL 

Audiobooks have made it much more pleasant and the music, videos, podcasts, etc. on my IPod have been getting a good workout.  Right now I can spend about 15 minutes on the computer without my foot swelling up (and hurting like mad I might add)  It doesn't seem to like it when I sit with my foot down... even if it is resting on an upside down bucket under my this post will be short and sweet.  Just long enough to touch base....

I have been anxious to show you the beautiful polymer clay necklace I made at my claying retreat with Helen Briel and Eugenia Chan in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago.  What a fun retreat it was.  Both of these ladies were just absolutely wonderful...  more patience with our group than I could ever muster up I am sure LOL.  If you ever get the opportunity to have a workshop with either of them, I would highly recommend them. I am just tickled with the results...

Isn't that pretty?  You'd never know that it was made of clay!  I especially enjoyed learning some new wire working techniques... now I will just have to practice them. 

Unfortunately I am going to have to put off the special giveaway treat I have for new (and current) followers until around mid to late April... I am sure you can understand.  If you become a follower before then, you will be able to join in.  Just click on the "Follow" button... see over there on the left,  above all the lovely photos of other followers are... to join.

Hope to be back to more regular blogging around the first week or so of April.... so until then... have fun with your art...
