
Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook and me...

I finally took the plunge!  I signed up for Facebook... and oh my what a learning curve it has been for me over the past couple of weeks.

Being primarily an audio learner, it was a BIG challenge for me figuring it out on my own!  There's not a lot of audio instruction on the "ins and outs" of Facebook in their help menu (NONE).  Way too many hours later, I still don't have some parts of it figured out... but at least I finally got a profile done (well sorta LOL), loaded up some photos and figured out how to "friend" some of my claying buddies and family/friends who are on Facebook.  But beyond that... well let's just say I am WAY, WAY behind the curve on my "to do" list including a couple "unfinished" blog posts! 

Sorry for such a delay... I haven't forgot YOU.  But stay tuned over the next couple of days because I have some VERY exciting news to share with you,,, COMING VERY SOON...I promise!

In the meantime... if you are on Facebook, drop by my page and say hi!  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I have done the Facebook Badge (up there at the top on the left) correctly and you can find me!

Happy Friday...
