
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Art Bottles - Fun with Clay

Greetings art friends on a cool but lovely Saturday (at least so far) in the Pacific Northwest!

A couple of weeks ago I was rummaging around in my "stash" and came across a large bottle (18" inches tall) that I found rather "funky" when I bought it but wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.

I was feeling rather art deprived... having worked so hard on getting my "Timeless Tales" CD finished and up on cdBaby (and if you haven't had a listen to the previews of the stories, please drop by for a listen...better yet get yourself a copy and/or put it on your Christmas list for yourself, your kids, grandkids, young at heart seniors or anyone who loves stories... hint, hint, nudge, nudge LOL)... I was restless and that's always a sign for me that I needed (yes, needed) some time in the messy studio to create!

As I looked at this strange looking bottle with its long neck, it suddenly came to me what I wanted to do to transform it into something special!  I love those moments of pure inspiration, don't you?

Out came the paint, the clay, glue, stamps, beads and copper wire!  I even managed to find a cork that would fit on the top.  After a couple of hours of playing around... here is the result:

Once it was "cooked" and a finish applied to protect it,  I shone some light on it and was absolutely thrilled with the result... the colours just sparkled.  Suspending beads in the neck of the bottle gave it a very interesting look and I fell in love with the bottle! I'm not a great photographer... but you get the idea.

I wish you could see it in "real life" with the light shining through the top part and making the beads in the neck come to life. It just amazes me what you can do with an idea and how often just getting started sometimes makes all the difference.  One idea builds onto another idea and before you know it you have transformed something very plain and uninteresting into something you love!

Now I was all fired up (no pun intended) and, as it often happens with me when I have done something I am tickled with, I wanted to try my hand at it again.  Out came a vase and I was off on another tangent...  I was having fun and when that happens I produce what I consider some of my best ideas and work!  Here's a photo of my second effort... and a much better photograph (I'll get the hang of photography yet!)

So now that I have got this month's blog offering off to a good start, it's time for me to hit the kitchen.  It's the weekend of the "apple making making marathon".  With all the "abundance" from the garden and my "peach pie making marathon" a couple of weeks ago, I am going to cut back and only make a dozen pies for the freezer this year.  I think I can still find enough room in the freezer for them! The rest of the apples will be canned for yummy goodies like apple crisp or southern fried apples over the winter!

So while I am baking away, filling our home with the sweet smell of apple pie (and driving my neighbour who loves apple pie into fits of mouth watering imaginary tastes through the open kitchen window LOL), go rummaging through your stash for something ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary!

Have an "artful" week,
