
Friday, December 21, 2012

Signs of Christmas Everywhere...

The west coast has been hit with some fierce storms the past few days and some parts of Vancouver Island, where I live, are in for a white Christmas.... something that doesn't happen all that often.  I love it when it snows around Christmas... especially those big flakes that drift lazily down and if you stick out your tongue you can catch them!

I have been down with a very bad cold and laryngitis this past week (I sound like a fog horn) and with the medication I am taking, all I want to do is sleep.  I have managed to get a few things done although I have not finished Christmas shopping and at this rate, probably won't!  Guess I'll just cut out pictures of what I was going to get, paste them in a card and take advantage of Boxing Day after Christmas sales.

Every year I make an ornament that I give to friends and special people for their tree or desk.  This year, I made some little angels that make up a choir when I put them all together to photograph them.

They stand about 1 inch tall and are as cute as a bug.  If you are interested in making them, there is a wonderful tutorial by Robyn over at Creations by Curry.

During the latest conflict in the Middle East I was inspired to make some clay peace dove pins with peace in English, Arabic and Hebrew stamped into the clay wings.  It may be wishful thinking but perhaps if enough of us think and show support for peace for the Middle East, it will happen.  While I was at it, I also made a dove scarf pin.  It looks lovely with the black knit scarf I have.  I discovered that it's tough to photograph anything white, so I tacked it to some black corrugated paper in the hopes that it would turn out.  Once it was fired in the oven and sanded, it was so smooth.  It's lovely to just run your finger over the top of it and make wishes!

Here's wishing you a very happy Christmas and lovely holiday season for you and your family!  I'll see you again in the new year...

Merry Christmas...