
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happy Hearts Day...

If you have been wondering where I have been... well I have been having just too much fun playing ... a day hasn't gone by since the Christmas holidays without something happening in my art room.  Time just evaporates when I am creating... and I will have lots to show you in the coming months... just have to take the time out to take pictures and to blog!

So I am just dropping by today for a quick visit, to wish you all a Happy Hearts Day and share something rather sweet with you!!  I have been busy all week making valentine heart cupcakes with sprinkles and cinnamon hearts...

Alas, they are the non edible kind... which gives a new meaning to wearing your food! LOL

These little earrings are so darn cute...the photo doesn't even do them justice!  They swing and dangle beautifully!  I made some for a couple of friends and myself and ended up having to make more as a number of pairs were spoken for practically as they came out of the oven!  Maybe I should start up a cupcake earring factory and make my millions one set at a time... GRIN

These little earrings gave me the idea for my valentine surprise for the "little ladies" at our neighbourhood elementary school.  As some of you know, I volunteer as a crossing guard there in the morning on my way home from swimming.  Every "holiday", they get a surprise from me... be it "smarties", pencils, balloons, popcorn or something I have made.

A guessing game started this week with some of the girls when I told them to get ready for their valentine surprise... there are about six of them that I see each morning and they have been coming up with all sorts of guesses... it has been a fun little exchange each morning!

I decided to make them backpack dangles just like the earrings only this time with chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles and a little chocolate heart. I think they will just love them, don't you?

The boys won't be left out... they'll get packages of valentine smarties... I don't think they would appreciate cupcakes!  Ohhh, ugh, girl stuff!!  You get the picture I am sure.

I got my Valentine treat a few days early this year... Hubby took me for tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria yesterday ... What a lovely afternoon we had together drinking special teas, eating dainty sandwiches, strawberries, scones, devonshire cream and scrumptious dessert morsels.  The tearoom is so beautiful... it dates back to 1908 and the acoustics are marvelous.  The enchanting strains of classical music played by the pianist on the baby grand only adds to the room's charm and delight.  Nobody does the traditional "Victorian tea" like the Empress!  

Happy Hearts Day to you...I hope it is SWEET... till next time...
