
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

In a Jam...

My yearly produce "gift" arrived from the Okanagan in the interior of B.C. on Vancouver Island this past weekend... beautiful, round, juicy, mouth watering yellow-orange peaches!

The aroma of sweet peaches filled the air in the kitchen with its intoxicating perfume... ah jam making season was upon me once again!

Out came the bottles, the jam making "tools"... the water canner, the hot bottle gripper, the metal tin top catcher, the ladle, et cetera, et cetera and I got to work!!  It took most of the day and needless to say... after a whole day of standing in the kitchen... peeling, cutting, filling and processing,  I was done like dinner!  But the fruits of my labour (pun absolutely intended) and my inventory is now all labeled and piled up on display for all to see...including you!!

8 bottles of red pepper jelly (okay, not quite peaches, but "might as well" while I was at it)
18 bottles of peach-ginger marmalade
6 quart bottles of peach-ginger chutney (oh a winter of tasty Indian curry dishes coming up)
12 bottles of Seville Orange marmalade

PLUS one happy, grinning husband who loves peaches, ginger, marmalade and chutney.

As I ladled the last of the jam into a bottle, popped on the lid and gave the ring a twist, appreciative husband came up behind me, gave me a big hug and kiss, told me to go sit down and have a glass of wine while he cleaned up the chaos in the kitchen after the day long marathon! Hey,what a guy...

So... I took him up on his offer... AND after a glass of tasty Okanagan wine and a dish of fresh peaches with cream... went for a nice long "peach" of a snooze!

And when I awoke,  my kitchen was as neat and clean as a pin...and..YEP... what a guy...

See you again soon
