
Saturday, May 18, 2019

A New Look..and more....

Hi everyone!  Slowly but surely I am getting this blog transitioned to more of a website.  It certainly takes a lot of time to get stuff done, rearranged, updated, designed and looking the way I want it to but I think you will agree, (at least I hope so), I am getting there!

You will notice that I have added some pages... I have decided to give you all a glimpse of all the art work I have done over the years and what I am working on currently.  My studio is brimming with little character people, which I absolutely adore but there is a growing space limitation.  I need some room!!!  With that in mind, I have decided to sell some of my pieces and will be posting some them in the new pages you can find at the top of this page.

One piece of exciting news happened quite recently.  Following adjudication of some of my "little people" art pieces that were entered into the Professional Doll Makers Art Guild annual Gold Awards, Millie the Sweet Witch was awarded a first-place Gold Award in the Intermediate Sculptors Category, I thrilled to bits!!  Millie is one of my favourite pieces and was a lot of fun to bring into being...

Later on this summer, her photos will be published in Art Doll Magazine.  

I know that for many of us COVID-19 has certainly put a crimp in our summer plans.  Like many others, I miss going out for dinner at a favourite restaurant, getting together with friends, family or neighbours. going swimming, to the gym or hanging out at the beach. I think it is difficult for most of us.  But as my late "nurse" sister used to say: You just gotta buckle up Buttercup!! Buckling up and paying attention to the advice from the health folks in charge has certainly made a tremendous difference in our community....

I live on Vancouver Island and with a lot of cooperation from our fellow citizens "who buckled up" along with the excellent leadership of our provincial government and the Health Authority's Dr, Bonnie Henry, we have managed to keep our numbers very low and currently have no active cases on the island.  I truly believe that the three things that were suggested we follow and which consequently have made a HUGE difference have been wearing a mask, frequent hand washing and self-distancing. Three simple acts that can make a huge difference.

Wishing you all good health, patience and persistence in the months to come...
